Pasty Cline - ’’Three Cigarettes (In An Ashtray)’’
Episode 16 - The Incident (Part 1)

Cet chanson est jouée dans la superette où la jeune Kate essaie de voler une boîte à goûter.

Two cigarettes in an ashtray,
My love and I in a small cafe.
Then a stranger came along,
And everything went wrong.
Now there’s three cigarettes in the ashtray.

I watched her take him from me,
And his love is no longer my own.
Now they are gone,
And I sit alone,
And watch one cigarette burn away.

I watched her take him from me,
And his love is no longer my own.
Now they are gone,
And I sit alone,
And watch one cigarette burn away.

Plus d'informations sur : Site officiel de Pasty Cline
Fiche créée le 25 octobre 2009 par Marie |